Privacy Policy

About us

Stake (we, our, us) is the trading name of Stakeshop Pty Ltd (ACN 610 105 505).

Stake is an Authorised Representative (Authorised Representative No. 1241398) of Stakeshop AFSL Pty Ltd which holds Australian Financial Services Licence number 548196.

This Policy

We are committed to respecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use, store, share and disclose your personal information.

If you have any questions about this document please email us at

By providing personal information to us, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any other arrangements that apply between us.

We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time by publishing changes to it on our website. We encourage you to check our website periodically to ensure that you are aware of our current Privacy Policy.

We comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) when dealing with your personal information. This policy does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the APPs. If you wish to seek further information on the APPs, see

Personal information includes information or an opinion about an individual that is reasonably identifiable. For example, this may include your name, age, gender, postcode and contact details. It may also include financial information, including your credit card information.

What personal information do we collect?

We may collect the following types of personal information:

  • Name;

  • Mailing or street address;

  • Email address;

  • Telephone number and other contact details, as well as contact lists from your phone including the telephone numbers, names and other contact details of your contacts;

  • Age or date of birth;

  • Credit card information;

  • Bank account details;

  • Details or images of your government issued identification, such as your passport, drivers licence, or other forms of ID or reference numbers relating to you, such as your tax file number.

  • Your device ID, device type, geo-location information, computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the sites, ad data, IP address and standard web log information;

  • Details of the products and services we have provided to you or that you have enquired about, including any additional information necessary to deliver those products and services and respond to your enquiries;

  • Any additional information relating to you that you provide to us directly through our website or app or indirectly through your use of our website or app or online presence or through other websites or accounts from which you permit us to collect information;

  • Information you provide to us through customer surveys; or

  • Any other personal information that may be required in order to facilitate your dealings with us.

We may collect these types of personal information either directly from you, or from third parties. We may collect this information when you:

  • Onboard on our website or app;

  • Communicate with us through correspondence, email, or when you share information with us from other social applications, services or websites;

  • Interact with our sites, services, content and advertising; or

  • Invest in our business or enquire as to a potential purchase in our business.

Collecting your information

By law, we can only collect information that is reasonably necessary to provide our services.

Our reason for collecting necessary information may be:

  • We, and/or our partners, need it in order to provide our services.

  • To meet our legal or regulatory responsibilities.

  • To adhere to our contracts and agreements, in order to provide our services.

Where you’ve agreed to us by providing your information, you indicate you’re happy for us to use your personal information where lawful and necessary.

We collect personal information directly from you when you sign up to Stake or Stake Super, when you subscribe to our email marketing lists, when you use our services or interact with our app, when you contact us in person, online or over the phone or take part in focus groups, surveys or promotions. If you apply for a role with Stake, we collect personal information that you provide during that process.

We may also collect personal information about you from other sources to help us supplement our records to detect fraud and comply with our regulatory and legal obligations. For example, when we conduct Know Your Customer checks with third party providers. Additionally, we sometimes partner with third parties to run promotions or competitions in which we may collect personal information about you.

Why do we collect, use and disclose your personal information?

We may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to enable you to access and use our website and services (as set out in our Terms & Conditions).

  • to operate, protect, improve and optimise our website and services, business and our users’ experience, such as to perform analytics, conduct research and for advertising and marketing;

  • to send you service, support and administrative messages, reminders, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and information requested by you;

  • to send you marketing and promotional messages and other information that may be of interest to you, including information sent by, or on behalf of, our business partners that we think you may find interesting;

  • to administer rewards, surveys, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by us or our business partners;

  • to comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes that we may have with any of our users, and enforce our agreements with third parties; and

  • to consider your employment application.

We may disclose your personal information to a trusted third party who also holds other information about you. This third party may combine that information in order to enable it, and us, to develop anonymised consumer insights so that we can better understand your preferences and interests, personalise your experience and enhance the products and services that you receive.

Do we use your personal information for direct marketing?

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy you confirm that we and/or our carefully selected business partners may send you direct marketing communications and information about your account, our service and products. This may take the form of emails, SMS, in-app notifications, telephone calls, mail or other forms of communication. You may opt-out of receiving marketing materials from us by contacting us using the details set out below or by using the opt-out facilities provided (e.g. an unsubscribe link).

To whom do we disclose your personal information?

We may disclose personal information for the purposes described in this privacy policy to:

  • Our employees and related bodies corporate;

  • Our existing or potential third party suppliers and service providers in connection with providing you products or services or those existing or potential suppliers and providers improving the products and services provided to you. This may include (without limitation) payment systems operators (e.g. merchants receiving card payments or funds transfer), foreign exchange providers, brokers and dealers, and partners who facilitate the deposit and custody of funds;

  • Other existing or potential third party suppliers and service providers (including providers for the operation or optimisation of our websites and/or our business or in connection with providing you, or improving our, products and services);

  • Our existing or potential agents, professional advisers, business partners or partners;

  • Our sponsors or promoters of any competition that we conduct via our services;

  • Anyone to whom our assets or businesses (or any part of them) may be transferred;

  • Specific third parties authorised by you to receive information held by us; and/or

  • Other persons, including government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or as required, authorised or permitted by law (including for the purposes of AML/CTF collection and verification).

Disclosure of personal information internationally

To provide you with the services, we may disclose personal information internationally to any of our partners, including but not limited to our US Broker-Dealer, DriveWealth LLC (DriveWealth), located in the United States of America and to any regulatory bodies as required by law or our foreign exchange partners. By opening an account with DriveWealth, you consent to them using your personal information in accordance with their privacy policy.

In some instances, we may also share your personal information between entities within the Stake group, including Hellostake Limited in the United Kingdom.

Due to the international nature of our services, we use partners and providers that are based overseas and there are circumstances where we are required to share your information with them. When we do, our approach is to reasonably ensure that our partners comply with the APPs in relation to your information. We only provide our partners with your personal information that is reasonably required to provide their services.

Our Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that store information on your device when you interact with online content. They enable the entity that put the cookie on your device to recognise you across different websites, services, devices and/or browsing sessions. The content where cookies track your activity may be our own content, or may be the content of others in which we have an interest, for example our online advertising on third party websites. While we do not use browsing information to identify you personally, we may record certain information about your use of our website, such as which pages you visit, the time and date of your visit and the internet protocol address assigned to your computer.

We may use cookies to:

  • enable us to collect data necessary for improving your Stake experience;

  • keep track of how often users come to our website and see how they interact with it;

  • let users chat to us and ask questions via our Portal; and

  • deliver advertising and content targeted to your interests on our services and other websites.

You can elect to disable all cookies, or to disable certain cookies, however our websites may not work as intended for you if you do so.

Security & storage of information

We may hold your personal information in either electronic or hard copy form. We store personal information with third party data storage providers.

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss, as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure and we use a number of physical, administrative, personnel and technical measures to protect your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information.

As your personal information is available inside the Stake app or website, we require you to set a strong password when creating an account and either set up multi-factor authentication or use a one-time password sent to your email upon each login. We request that you do not share your password with anyone and it remains confidential.

Length of storage

By law, we need to store information about you for at least 7 years.

Ordinarily, we will not hold your personal information for more than this period after our relationship with you has ceased, unless required by law or due to an ongoing claim.


Our website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of, or any content on, those linked websites, and have no control over your rights in those linked websites. The privacy policies that apply to those other websites may differ substantially from our Privacy Policy, so we encourage you to read them before using those websites.

Your rights

Under all circumstances, you have the following rights:

  • Access: You have the right of access to any personal information we hold about you. You can ask us for a copy of your personal information; confirmation whether your personal information is being used by us; and details about how and why it is being used.

  • Correct and update your information: If any of the information we hold is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you are entitled to request any necessary amendments be made.

  • Opt-out of direct marketing: You have a right to ask us to stop using your personal information for direct-marketing purposes.

  • Make a complaint: If you have any complaints or concerns about our handling of your personal information please do get in touch with us and we will do our best to resolve these. You can contact us at Please see our consolidated “Making a complaint” section below for more detailed information.

If you wish to delete or deactivate your account, please note that we may retain certain information as required by law or for legitimate business purposes. We may also retain cached or archived copies of information about you for a certain period of time.

How to contact Stake

If you would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal information, you can contact us at:

Phone: +61 2 8294 6149


Post: Privacy Officer

Stakeshop Pty Ltd

C/O BDO, Level 11, 1 Margaret Street

Sydney, New South Wales, 2000

Making a privacy complaint

If you think we have breached any of the APPs or you wish to make a complaint about the way we have handled your personal information, you can contact our Privacy Officer.

Please include your name, email address and/or telephone number and clearly describe your complaint. For security reasons, we can’t deal with your request if we are not sure of your identity, so we may ask you for proof of your ID. We will acknowledge your complaint and respond to you regarding your complaint within a reasonable period of time (usually within 30 days).

If you think that we have failed to resolve the complaint satisfactorily, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner here.

For any non-privacy complaints, you can still contact us at Our procedures for dealing with non-privacy related complaints are set out in our Financial Services Guide here. If you believe your complaint has not been satisfactorily dealt with, you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) through their website, by email at or on 1800 931 678.

Contact us

For further information about our Privacy Policy or practices, or to access or correct your personal information, or to make a complaint, please contact us at, by phone on +61 2 8294 6149.

Last updated on 29 July 2024

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Stakeshop Pty Ltd, trading as Stake, ACN 610105505, is an authorised representative (Authorised Representative No. 1241398) of Stakeshop AFSL Pty Ltd (Australian Financial Services Licence no. 548196). Stake SMSF Pty Ltd (‘Stake Super’) is not licensed to provide financial product advice under the Corporations Act. This specifically applies to any financial products which are established if you instruct Stake Super to set up a self managed super fund (‘SMSF’). When you sign up to Stake Super, you are contracting with Stake SMSF Pty Ltd who will assist in the establishment of a SMSF under a ‘no advice model’. You will also be referred to Stakeshop Pty Ltd to enable your trading account and bank account to be set up in order to use the Stake Website and/or App. For more information about SMSFs, see our SMSF Risks page. The information on our website or our mobile application is not intended to be an inducement, offer or solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction in which Stake is not regulated or able to market its services. At Stake and Stake Super, we’re focused on giving you a better investing experience but we don’t take into account your personal objectives, circumstances or financial needs. Any advice given by Stake is of a general nature only. As investments carry risk, before making any investment decision, please consider if it’s right for you and seek appropriate taxation and legal advice. Please view our Financial Services GuideTerms & ConditionsPrivacy Policy and Disclaimers before deciding to invest on or use Stake or Stake Super. By using our website or service in any way, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. All financial products involve risk and you should ensure you understand the risks involved as certain financial products may not be suitable to everyone. Past performance of any product described on this website is not a reliable indication of future performance. Stake and Stake Super are registered trademarks in Australia.

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