Most traded U.S. shares
Discover which securities are the most active among Stake investors. This data is based on Stake Wall St trade volumes (most bought and sold stocks) of the previous month.
Top 5 Wall St stocks
- 1NVDA |
NVIDIA Corporation
- 2TSLA |
Tesla, Inc.
- 3AMZN | Inc.
- 4VOO |
S&P 500 Vanguard ETF
- 5SOXL |
Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bull 3X ETF
These stocks and 9,500+ more are available on Stake Wall St.
Most traded Wall St Shares in August 2024
Data from 1/8/2024 - 31/8/2024 (Updated on the first of each month)
What other stocks are popular on Stake
Most traded U.S. stocks FAQs
The most traded sector on Wall St in 2023, through Stake, was technology.
Microsoft ($MSFT) has the largest market cap of all U.S.-listed companies as of 17 April 2024, at US$3.08t.
If you would like to buy U.S. stocks and start investing on Wall St, follow the steps below to create an account with Stake and seize the opportunities in the market.
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- Select Stake Wall St (you can also activate Stake AUS later)
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On Stake AUS, the most traded ASX stock of 2023 was Pilbara Minerals Limited ($PLS) and the most traded ETF on the ASX was Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF ($VAS). Find other popular Aussie companies and ETFs in our monthly list of the top 20 most traded Australian stocks on Stake.
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This is for information purposes only and is not a recommendation to invest in the securities listed. It does not constitute financial product advice. We recommend that you do your own research and consider your own personal financial needs, objectives and circumstances before making any investment decision. It may be appropriate to speak with a licensed financial adviser. No representation or warranty is made as to the timeliness, reliability, accuracy or completeness of the material and Stake does not accept any responsibility arising from errors in, or omissions from, the data.