PFP Stock Calculator
PFP Stats
Please note, the result does not take brokerage fees/FX and additional contributions such as further investments or dividend reinvestments into account. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may receive back less than your original investment. As always, do your own research and consider seeking appropriate financial advice before investing.

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Historical stock calculator FAQs
The calculator uses historical data to simulate an investment’s performance over a set period. It can be a helpful tool to understand how market trends impact certain stocks and industries by looking back.
The stock calculator calculates the potential returns of an investment in the selected stock if the user had invested the chosen amount of money over the set period of time.
The data is calculated from the current month and every instance of that month during the timeframe of years selected (for Wall St the data available goes back to the IPO of the company and for the ASX the data goes back until 1999).
To determine what the investment would be worth today, the calculation is as follows:
Percentage change = (Value for that year - Starting value) / Starting value
Please note, the result does not take brokerage fees/FX and additional contributions such as further investments or dividend reinvestments into account.
You can see the historical performance of 12,000+ different stocks currently available on Stake.
- For Australian shares: Historical Return on ASX Stocks
- For U.S. shares: Historical Return on U.S. Stocks

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