Investment Return Calculator
Gain insights into your investing style with our free stock investment calculator.
See projected returns for investments over time and identify potential long-term goals for your portfolio.
Set up your investment goals
$1,000 AUD
$96,310.52 AUD
$35,310.52 AUD
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Brokerage fees of CommSec, CMC Markets and Selfwealth stated as at 3 April 2024. For up to date pricing and other details, visit their websites. Other fees may apply, such as FX. See Stake’s full pricing here.
How to use the investment return calculator?
Using the investment return calculator is easy. All you have to do is input your investing goals and observe the potential gains over time.
- How much do you want to start with? Enter the amount of money you’re planning to initially invest.
- How frequently will you be contributing? Decide how often you will be making a contribution to your investment.
- How much will you be contributing each time? The amount you’ll be contributing during each investment period.
- What is your investment time horizon? The total length of time you’re looking to make contributions to reach your investment goal.
How does the investment return calculator work?
Our investment return calculator shows the projected growth path of an investment over a set period. It does this by compounding the repeat contribution value annually by the nominal annualised S&P500 return rate of 10.26% (1957-2023).
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and the investment return calculator does not factor in expenditures and optional fees such as Instant Funding or Card Funding.
It's easy to get started
- Sign up in minutes, all you need is some I.D.
- Activate Stake Wall St, Stake AUS or both
- Fund your account within 24h of opening it and claim your first reward
Your reward could be a full Nike, Dropbox or GoPro stock (Stake Wall St) and A$10 of trading credit (Stake AUS).
Fund both? Get both.

Kickstart your investing journey with Stake
Investment Return Calculator FAQs
Setting an investment time horizon is vital for planning your investment strategy. The shorter the time horizon, the less time you’ll have to grow the investment and the more subject to market volatility your investment becomes which could negatively impact your returns.
Conversely, a long-term time horizon allows investors to tolerate more market volatility as they have the luxury of extended periods of time to offset fluctuations and make more contributions.
Ultimately, the investment time horizon is subject to what you’re saving towards and when you’ll need the money.
As markets can be unpredictable and some years will have a higher rate of return than others, it’s best to think of investment returns by way of averages. While many look at investment gurus such as Warren Buffett – who has an annualised return of roughly 22% – for inspiration, it may not be realistic to assume this rate of return without expertise and a considerable liquidity advantage.
A general rule of thumb appears to be setting benchmarks of comparison against the annualised yearly returns of major indexes such as the S&P 500 or ASX 200.
We keep our brokerage fees simple and transparent. Whether you’re investing in stocks, ETFs, OTCs, hybrid securities, exchange-traded bonds or any other investment product, you’ll pay just $3 on trades up to $30,000. And 0.01% on trades above $30,000 (in AUD for Stake AUS and USD for Stake Wall St).

Get started with a free U.S. stock
Sign up and fund Stake Wall St to claim.
Transfer existing U.S. stocks and you could get another free stock.