Counting Sleep
The dollar value of a good night’s sleep, getting a real-time measure on inflation with TIPS and a ‘shallow dive’ into your favourite companies.
Counting Sleep
Sleep matters. While boasting about an early bedtime is on-trend nowadays, those who are able to hit the pillow early are reaping the benefits not only for themselves but for the entire economy.While there are obvious mental and physical health benefits, we come back to the one question we always ask: how do we quantify these to find a dollar value.
Research institute Rand released a study in 2016 looking into the GDP loss due to insufficient sleep.
The US leads the world with a 2.28% loss or US$411b annually. If those who averaged 6 hours of sleep per night increased their time catching Z’s by an hour, US$226b would be added to the economy. Japan led the countries under investigation with a 2.9% loss in GDP due to insufficient sleep.
A similar study in Australia found that a lack of sleep cost Australia US$45b from 2016-2017 due to lost productivity, increased illness and absenteeism increased medical expenses, and more workplace accidents.