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U.S. Listed Companies FAQs
When you invest in U.S. stocks with Stake you gain access to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq. These two stock exchanges are where the majority of U.S.-listed companies are available.
The NYSE is the oldest U.S. exchange in existence and boasts the largest market capitalisation for equities in the world, it's home to stocks like BRK.A, KO, CVX and JPM. Nasdaq has some of the biggest U.S. listed companies, including AAPL, GOOGL, NVDA, AMZN and TSLA.
The market cap of all U.S. listed companies combined is $47.1t (July 2023), as a combination of the NYSE ($24.9t) and the Nasdaq ($22.2t).
U.S. listed companies are by far the most widely traded equities around the world, with the largest stocks having their market cap into the trillions.
The top 10 U.S. listed companies by market cap are (values as of 5 September 2023):
- Apple, Inc. ($AAPL) - $2.9t
- Microsoft Corporation ($MSFT) - $2.4t
- Alphabet Inc. - Class A Shares ($GOOG) - $1.7t
- Amazon.com Inc. ($AMZN) - $1.4t
- NVIDIA Corporation ($NVDA) - $1.1t
- Berkshire Hathaway Inc. - Class B ($BRK.B) - $790b
- Tesla, Inc. ($TSLA) - $777b
- Meta Platforms Inc ($META) - $762b
- Eli Lilly ($LLY) - $528b
- Visa, Inc. ($V) - $516b
Providing great exposure to large-cap stocks, U.S. ETFs give investors the chance to add the largest indexes to their portfolio for a fraction of the price. Investors who are looking for exposure to the S&P 500 through U.S. ETFs have a few options:

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